Key Achievements of the Network 

The network has been very productive since its launch in September 2018 until funding ended in June 2022. The following page highlights some of the key achievements from the Organ-on-a-chip Technologies Network over this period.

  • Multidisciplinary Membership
    Over 1,000 members from academia, industry, NHS and other stakeholders from across the UK with international affiliates.
  • Industrial Engagement
    Over 200 members from over 80 different industrial companies  interested in development and use of organ-on-a-chip technology .
  • New Research Partnerships
    Proof of concept research projects involved 120 individual collaborators working in UK academia and industry.
  • Leveraging new Research Funding 
    The Network attracted further research funding of over three million pounds by the end of the funding period in 2022.
  • New Organs-on-Chips Centre
    The Network helped to secure funding to set up the QM+Emulate Organs-on-Chips Centre providing access to the Human Emulation platform.
  • Generation of Research Publications
    The Network funded proof of concept projects are already generating peer reviewed journal papers.
  • Early Career Researcher (ECR) Training
    The Network has delivered three ECR training & networking workshops supporting an active and ongoing ECR group. 
  • Policy Shaping
    The Network has been involved in policy shaping for UK Government, funders and other stakeholders and interested parties.
  • Public Engagement
    Network members have been very active in raising public awareness in organ-on-chip technology including running a major interactive at the Science Museum Lates, participating in a research patient involvement group, science communication and media coverage.