
UK Academics Map »

Academics / PIs

Anglia Ruskin University

Sahithi Kuravi

Dr Sahithi Kuravi

Research Fellow

Anglia Ruskin University
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom
07443 974892

Organ-on-chip, Spheroids, Co-cultures, Extracellular Vesicles, Liposomes

Julia Mantaj

Dr Julia Mantaj

Lecturer in Biomedical Science

Biomedical Science
Anglia Ruskin University
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Microinjection, Nanomedicine, Organoids, 2D models

Aston University

Eric Hill

Dr Eric Hill

Programme director MSc Stem cells and regenerative medicine

Life and Health sciences
Aston University
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom
0121 204 5040

Stem cells, neurons, astrocytes, Neurodegeneration, Tissue engineering, Imaging

Rhein Parri

Dr Rhein Parri

Life and Health Sciences
Aston University
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

neuroscience, electrophysiology, patch-clamp, calcium imaging

Brunel University London

Sibylle Ermler

Dr Sibylle Ermler

Lecturer in Endocrinology and Metabolism

Dept Life Sciences
Brunel University London
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Mesenchymal stem cells, Adipogenesis, Breast carcinogenesis, Endocrine disruption, Metabolism

Felicity N. E. Gavins

Professor Felicity N. E. Gavins

Professor of Pharmacology & Royal Society Wolfson Fellow. Director of the CIRTM

Centre for Inflammation Research and Translational Medicine (CIRTM)
Brunel University London
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom
01895 267 151

Inflammation, Thrombosis, Neutrophil Biology, Platelets, Microcirculation, Vascular biology

Ashley Houlden

Dr Ashley Houlden


Brunel University London
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Microbiology, Microbiome, Bacterial Pathogenesis, Ecology

Ruth Mackay

Dr Ruth Mackay


Mechanical Engineering
Brunel University London
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Microfluidics, MEMS, additive manufacturing, tissue engineering, molecular diagnostics

Elisabete Silva

Dr Elisabete Silva

Senior Lecturer

Brunel University London
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

breast cancer, organ on a chip, placenta on a chip, vaginosis, 3D cell culture, ovarian cancer

Bin Wang

Dr Bin Wang

Brunel University London
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Solid Mechanics, Biomechanics, Design, Materials, Manufacturing

Brunel University of London

Camilla Cerutti

DR Camilla Cerutti

Principal Investigator and Lecturer

Brunel University of London
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

vessel-on-a-chip, blood-brain-barrier, cell:cell adhesion, microfluidic vascular model, cancer metastasis

Cardiff University

Daniel Aeschlimann

Prof Daniel Aeschlimann

Professor of Biological Sciences / Director of Research for School

College of Biomedical and Life Sciences, School of Dentistry, Matrix Biology & Tissue Repair Research Unit and Arthrtis Research
Cardiff University
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom
029 20744240

Organotypic models, Matrix Biology, Musculoskeletal biology, Arthritis, Celiac Disease

David Barrow

Prof David Barrow

Cardiff University
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom
+44(0)7809 839979

Microfluidics, Stem Cell Encapsulation, Microcapsule formation, Compartmentalised Chemistry

Emma Blain

Dr Emma Blain

Senior Lecturer

Biomedicine Division, School of Biosciences
Cardiff University
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom
029 2087 5171

Articular cartilage, Mechanobiology, In vitro loading models, In vivo loading models, Therapeutics

Sion Coulman

Dr Sion Coulman

Senior Lecturer

School of Pharmacy
Cardiff University
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Skin, Bioprinter, 3D models, 3D printing

Sharon Dewitt

Dr Sharon Dewitt


Matrix Biology and Tissue Repair, School of Dentistry, College of Biological and Life Sciences
Cardiff University
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom
029 2251 0665

Cartilage, Osteoarthritis, Matrix, Inflammation, Neutrophil, Biomarker

Sam Evans

Prof Sam Evans

School of Engineering
Cardiff University
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom
029 2087 6876

soft tissues, mechanics, materials, orthopaedics

Cathy Holt

Prof Cathy Holt

Cardiff University
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Biomechanics, Orthopaedic Engineering

Julian Marchesi

Prof Julian Marchesi

Cardiff University
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom
029 2087 4188

gut micrbiome, gut-liver axis, bacteria

Deborah Mason

Dr Deborah Mason


Cardiff University
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

osteocyte, mechanical loading, 3D bone, signalling, pain, inflammation

Alastair Sloan

Prof Alastair Sloan

Professor of Tissue Engineering & Bone Biology and Head of School

School of Dentistry
Cardiff University
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom
029 2074 6779

Dental pulp stem cells, Mineralised Tissue repair, Regenerative endodontics, 3D culture systems for dental infections, Nanovesicle drug delivery, 3D culture systems for bone repair and physiology

Katherine Smith

Dr Katherine Smith


Cardiff University
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Intestinal parasites, Colorectal cancer, Dietary metabolism

Xin (Chris) Yang

Dr Xin (Chris) Yang

Cardiff University
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Medical Ultrasound, Lab-on-a-chip

Coventry University

Arfan Ghani

Dr. Arfan Ghani

Associate Professor

Computing, Electronics and Maths
Coventry University
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Neural engineering, Integrated circuits/chip design, Implantable devices, On-chip applied machine learning, Monolithic integrated circuits

Cranfield University

Zhugen Yang

Professor Zhugen Yang

Professor of Biosensing and Environmental Health

School of Water,Energy and Environment
Cranfield University
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

biosensors, paper microfluidics, Water quality, wastewater-based epidemiology

CRUK Beatson Institute

Laura Machesky

Prof Laura Machesky

Professor and Senior Research group Leader

Institute of Cancer Sciences, University of Glasgow, G61 1BD
CRUK Beatson Institute
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom
0141 330 3653

Cancer Metastasis, Cell Migration and Invasion, Pancreas Cancer, Liver metastasis

Edge Hill University

Adjanie Patabendige

Dr Adjanie Patabendige

Senior Lecturer in Biomedical Science

Edge Hill University
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Edinburgh Napier University

Sonja Rueckert

Dr Sonja Rueckert

Associate Professor in Marine Biology/Parasitology/Protistology

School of Applied Sciences
Edinburgh Napier University
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Parasitology, Protistology, Marine Biology, Symbiosis

Goldsmiths, University of London

Frederic Leymarie

Prof Frederic Leymarie

Professor of Computing

Goldsmiths, University of London
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Machine Learning, Scientific visualisation, Computer Graphics, Computer Vision, Deep Learning, Robotics

Heriot-Watt University



Associate Professor of Microfluidic Engineering

Institute of Biological Chemistry, Biophysics and Bioengineering
Heriot-Watt University
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom
0131 451 4171

Microfluidics, Integration, Polylactic acid, sustainability, material, Commercialisation


Prof Nick LESLIE

Director of Research

Institute of Biological Chemistry, Biophysics and Bioengineering, School of Engineering and Physical Sciences
Heriot-Watt University
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom
44 131 451 8157

Cancer, Cell Signalling, Early Detection, Experimental Models

Sally Peyman

Dr Sally Peyman

Associate Professor

School of Engineering and Physical Sciences
Heriot-Watt University
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

tumour biophysics, drug delivery, tumour on chip, Vasculature on chip

Hull York Medical School

Matthew Hardman

Professor Matthew Hardman

Chair in Wound Healing

Hull York Medical School
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom
01482 461879

Skin, Wounds, Microbiology, ageing, menopause

Imperial College London

Sam Au

Dr Sam Au


Department of Bioengineering
Imperial College London
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom
020 7594 1105

microfluidics, cancer, organ-on-chip, microvasculature, metastasis, circulating tumour cells

Martyn Boutelle

Professor Martyn Boutelle

Professor of Biomedical Sensors Engineering

Department of Bioengineering
Imperial College London
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

microfluidic devices, on-line sensing and biosensing, tissue transport

Vania Braga

Dr Vania Braga


NHLI, Faculty of Medicine
Imperial College London
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

skin, epidermis, vasculature, endothelia, muscle, kidney

Anthony Bull

Prof Anthony Bull

Professor of Musculoskeletal Mechanics

Department of Bioengineering
Imperial College London
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom
+44 20 7594 5186

Adam Celiz

Dr Adam Celiz


Department of Bioengineering
Imperial College London
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Biomaterials, Tissue Engineering, Regenerative Medicine, Dental, Hydrogels, High-throughput screening

Fiona Culley

Dr Fiona Culley

Senior Lecturer

Imperial College London
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Lung, Ageing, Infection

Jorge de la Serna

Mr. Jorge de la Serna

Senior Lecturer in Inhalation Toxicology and Pharmacology

National Heart and Lung Institute
Imperial College London
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Lung-on-a-chip, Advance quantitative imaging microscopy, Airways Diseases, Inhalation Toxicology and Pharmacology, Cell Biophysics, ImmunoPhysics and ImmunoEngineerings

Tom Ellis

Dr Tom Ellis

Imperial College London Department of Bioengineering
Imperial College London
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom
020 7594 7615

Synthetic Biology, Systems Biology, Bioengineering, Genome Engineering

Matthew Fisher

Professor Matthew Fisher

Group leader

Public Health
Imperial College London
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Genomics, Biology, Epidemiology

Gary Frost

Prof Gary Frost

Head of the Section for Nutrition Research

6th Floor Commonwealth Biulding
Imperial College London
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom
07872 850308

Nutrition, Gut Health, Metabolism

Justin Garner

Dr Justin Garner

Interventional pulmonologist

Imperial College London
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Pantelis Georgiou

Dr Pantelis Georgiou

Reader in Biomedical Engineering

Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Imperial College London
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Micro-electronic engineering, Lab-on-chip, Metabolic technology, Wearable technology, Machine learning

Lisa Gregory

Dr Lisa Gregory

Research Programme Manager

Inflammation, Repair & Development, NHLI
Imperial College London
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom
07463 508157

epithelial cell, remodelling, fibrosis, asthma, extracellular matrix, immune cell

Beth Holder

Dr Beth Holder

Imperial College London
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom
020 7594 1773

placenta, antibody, vaccines, infection, pathogens

Nazila Kamaly

Dr Nazila Kamaly


Imperial College London
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Nanomedicine, Biomicrofluidics, Biomimetics, Nanogels, Polymers, Nanoparticles

Robert Kypta

Dr Robert Kypta

Imperial College London
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

cell signalling, cancer, stem cell differentiation, epithelial-stromal communication, epigenetics, cell migration and invasion

Clare Lloyd

Professor Clare Lloyd

Professor of Respiratory Immunology, Vice Dean (Institutional Affairs) Medicine

National Heart and Lung Institute
Imperial College London
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom
020 7594 3102

Mucosal Immunology, Epithelial biology, Respiratory Diseases, Immune-stromal cross talk

Jane Mitchell

Professor Jane Mitchell

Imperial College London
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

endothelium, vascular smooth muscle, prostacyclin, nitric oxide, endothelin, blood outgrowth cells

James Moore

Professor James Moore

The Bagrit and Royal Academy of Engineering Chair in Medical Device Design

Imperial College London
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Lymphatics, Biomechanics, Cardiovascular, Immunology, Cancer

Niamh Nowlan

Dr Niamh Nowlan

Department of Bioengineering
Imperial College London
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Biomechanics, Cartilage, Bone, Modelling, Bioreactor, Development

Danny O'Hare

Dr Danny O'Hare

Department of Bioengineering
Imperial College London
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom
+44 (0)20 7594 5173

Biosensors, Electrochemistry, Droplet flow, Cells on chips

Darryl Overby

Dr Darryl Overby

Reader in Cellular Biomechanics and Mechanobiology

Imperial College London
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom
020 7594 6376

biomechanics, mechanobiology, microfluidics

Anna Randi

Prof Anna Randi

Professor of Cardiovascular Medicine

National Heart and Lung; Vascular Science
Imperial College London
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom
020 7594 2721

endothelial cells, blood vessles, transcription, microvascular, vascularization

Sejal Saglani

Prof Sejal Saglani

Imperial College London
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

asthma, paediatrics, mechanisms

Shreya Sheth

Dr Shreya Sheth

Imperial College London
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom
07949 702492

natural killer cells, microfluidic model, trophoblasts

Guy-Bart Stan

Dr Guy-Bart Stan

Department of Bioengineering
Imperial College London
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Synthetic Biology, Systems and Control Theory and Engineering, Computational Modelling, Modelling in Biology

Claire Stanley

Dr Claire Stanley

Lecturer (Assistant Professor)

Department of Bioengineering
Imperial College London
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Microfluidics, Microbiology, Microscopy, Organ-on-a-Chip, Microbe-Microbe Interactions, Plant Biology

Justin Stebbing

Prof Justin Stebbing

Faculty of Medicine, Department of Surgery and Cancer, Division of Cancer
Imperial College London
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Breast Cancer

Molly Stevens

Prof Molly Stevens

Imperial College London
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Engineering, Bio-inspired Materials, Life Sciences

Edward Tate

Prof Edward Tate

Professor of Chemical Biology

Molecular Sciences Research Hub, White City Campus
Imperial College London
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom
020 7594 3752

Chemical biology, Proteomics, Drug discovery

Joseph van Batenburg-Sherwood

Dr Joseph van Batenburg-Sherwood

Lecturer in Biofluid Mechanics

Imperial College London
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom
020 7594 1333

Biofluid mechanics, Perfusions, Experiments, Microhaemodynamics, Blood flow, Microfluidics

Beata Wojciak-Stothard

Dr Beata Wojciak-Stothard

Senior Lecturer in Vascular Biology

Faculty of Medicine, National Heart and Lung Institute
Imperial College London
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom
020 7594 6821

cardiovascular, lung, pulmonary hypertension, shear stress, cytoskeleton, vascular remodeling

Institute of Cancer Research

Nicola Valeri

Prof Nicola Valeri

Institute of Cancer Research
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom
+44 (0)20 8722 4311

Organoids, Gastrointestinal Cancer, Clinical Trials

Paul Workman

Prof Paul Workman

Harrap Professor of Pharmacology and Therapeutics

Signal Transduction and Molecular Pharmacology
Institute of Cancer Research
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom


Vanessa Sousa

Dr Vanessa Sousa

flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Periodontics, Implantology, Oral Health, Host-Microbiome Interactions, Periodontal Medicine, Biomaterials

Keele University

Chris Adams

Dr Chris Adams

Lecturer in Neuroscience

School of Life Sciences
Keele University
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Neuroregeneration, Tissue Engineering, Neural injury

Oksana Kehoe

Dr Oksana Kehoe


ISTM/Rheumatology research
Keele University
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom
01691 404149

stem cells, paracrine, extracelluler vesicles, inflammation, immunomodulation, rheumatoid arthritis

Karina Wright

Dr Karina Wright

Keele University
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Orthopaedics, Bioreactors, Microfluidics devices, Cell based therapies, Biomarkers, Arthritis

Ying Yang

Prof Ying Yang

Professor in Biomaterials and Tissue engineering

School of Medicine
Keele University
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom
+44 1782 674386

Nanomaterial fabrication, smart tissue constructs, organ-on-a-chip, Bioimaging

King's College London

Ciro Chiappini

Dr Ciro Chiappini


Centre for Craniofacial and Regenerative Biology
King's College London
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Nanomedicine, Biointerfaces

Davide Danovi

Dr Davide Danovi

FoLSM / Centre for Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine
King's College London
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Stem cells, High content analysis, Artificial microenvironments, Data integration

Yansha Deng

Dr Yansha Deng

King's College London
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom
07549 200705

molecular communication, drug delivery, microfluidic

Shirin Elizabeth Khorsandi

Miss Shirin Elizabeth Khorsandi

Kings College Hospital
King's College London
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

primary liver cancer, computational biology, mitochondria, extracellular vesicles

Julian Naglik

Professor Julian Naglik

King's College London
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Fungal, Candida, Mucosal Immunity, Toxins, Innate immunity

Joana F Neves

Dr Joana F Neves

RCUK/UKRI Rutherford Fund Fellow and Group Leader

School of Immunology & Microbial Sciences
King's College London
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Immunology, Intestine, Intestinal epithelium, Intestinal organoids, Inflammatory Bowel Disease, Microbiota

Victoria Sanz-Moreno

Dr Victoria Sanz-Moreno

Group leader and Senior Fellow

King's College London
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

cancer biology, 3-Dimensional systems, signalling, Cell migration, tumour stroma, OMICs

Richard Siow

Dr Richard Siow

Vice-Dean (International) & Group Leader

Faculty of Life Sciences & Medicine, School of Cardiovascular Medicine & Sciences
King's College London
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom
020 7848 4333

Vascular Biology, Oxidative stress & redox biology, Ageing, Fluid shear stress, Microvascular, Nutrigenomics

Mukul Tewary

Dr Mukul Tewary

King's College London
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Bioengineering, Stem Cells, Organoids

Martin Ulmschneider

Dr. Martin Ulmschneider

King's College London
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Peptides, Membranes, Cancer, Antimicrobials, Blood brain barrier

Lorenzo Veschini

Dr Lorenzo Veschini

Dental Institute
King's College London
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Vascular biology, Endothelial cells heterogeneity, Development, Tissue patterning, Cell phenotyping, High-Content Image Analysis

Driton Vllasaliu

Dr Driton Vllasaliu

Lecturer in Pharmaceutics

King's College London
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Intestinal in vitro models, Drug absorption prediction tools, Drug delivery

Kingston University London

Francesca Mackenzie

Dr Francesca Mackenzie

Senior Lecturer

Kingston University London
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom
020 8417 6813

Neuron, Regeneration, Glia, Genetics, Axon

Lancaster University

John Hardy

Dr John Hardy

Department of Chemistry & Materials Science Institute
Lancaster University
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom
07921 405516

Bioelectronics, Chemistry, Materials Science, Biomedical Engineering, Pharmacy, Polymers

Muhammad Munir

Dr Muhammad Munir


Biomedical and Life Sciences
Lancaster University
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom
01524 595083

Oncolytic viruses, Targeted antigen delivery, host-virus interation

Liverpool John Moores University

Laura Randle

Dr Laura Randle

Senior Lecturer in Biomolecular Sciences

Liverpool John Moores University
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom
07967 365107

Hepatotoxicity / DILI, Body-on-a-chip, in vitro models (2D/3D), proteomics, ADMET, HCS

London Metropolitan University

Lijun Shang

Professor Lijun Shang

Professor of Biomedical Sciences

School of Human Sciences
London Metropolitan University
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom
020 7133 4805

toxicity, ion channel, drug, DNA damage

London South Bank University

Eiman Aleem

Dr Eiman Aleem

Associate Professor of Biomedical Sciences

School of Applied Science/Division of Human Science/Cancer Biology and Therapy Group
London South Bank University
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Loughborough University

Mark Lewis

Prof Mark Lewis

School of Sport, Exercise and Health Sciences
Loughborough University
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Tissue Engineering, Regenerative Medicine, Skeletal Muscle, Neuromuscular Junction, Cell and Molecular Biology, Bioreactors

Paul Roach

Dr Paul Roach

Senior Lecturer in Biomaterials and Interface Science

Dept Chemistry
Loughborough University
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom
01509 223057

brain on a chip, biomaterials, surfaces, microfabrication, neuro*

Alexandra Stolzing

Prof Alexandra Stolzing

Centre for Biological Engineering
Loughborough University
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Aging model systems, BBB

MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology

Madeline Lancaster

Dr Madeline Lancaster

MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

John O'Neill

Dr John O'Neill

Group Leader

Cell Biology
MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom
01223 267037

Circadian rhythm, Chronobiology, Metabolism, Endocrinology

Newcastle University

Kenny Dalgarno

Prof Kenny Dalgarno


Newcastle University
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Biofabrication, Tissue engineering, Biomaterials, Bioprinting, Microfluidics

Robert Hirt

Prof Robert Hirt

Professor of Evolutionary Parasitology

Faculty of Medical Sciences, Biosciences Institute
Newcastle University
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Parasitology, Microbiology, Molecular Evolution, Comparative genomics, Host-microbes interactions, Mucosal Immunology

John Sayer

Prof John Sayer

Professor of Renal Medicine

Newcastle University
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Cystic kidney disease, Ciliopathies

Northumbria University

Gerrit Hilgen

Dr Gerrit Hilgen

Senior Lecturer

Applied Science
Northumbria University
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

retinal neuroscience, retinal stem cells, retina-on-a-chip, disease modelling, retina, RPE

Deepali  Pal

Dr Deepali Pal

Senior Lecturer

Northumbria University
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom
07411 838649

Cancer and stem cell niche, Stem cells/iPSC, Preclinical studies

Nottingham Trent University

Zahraa Al-Ahmady

Dr. Zahraa Al-Ahmady

Senior Lecturer

School of Science and Technology, Clifton Campus
Nottingham Trent University
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom
07796 766589

BBB, Immune response

Robert Morris

Dr Robert Morris

Associate Professor

Science and Technology
Nottingham Trent University
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Magnetic Resonance, Contrast Agents, Hardware, Electronics, Iron Oxide, MRI

Livia Rocha dos Santos

Dr Livia Rocha dos Santos

Senior Independent Research Fellow

Science and Technology
Nottingham Trent University
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom


Helen Rowe

Dr Helen Rowe

Group Leader

flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom


Quadram Institute Bioscience

Nathalie Juge

Prof Nathalie Juge

Quadram Institute Bioscience
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Gut microbiology, Mucus, Gut microbiota, Mucin glycosylation

Queen Mary University of London

Vahitha Abdul Salam

Dr Vahitha Abdul Salam

William Harvey Research Institute, The Barts School of Medicine and Dentistry
Queen Mary University of London
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Akram Alomainy

Dr Akram Alomainy

Electronic Engineering and Computer Science
Queen Mary University of London
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom
020 7882 3324

Wearable technology, Nano-scale communications, Bioelectromagnetic, Healthcare monitoring and diagnosis tools, Radio frequency devices and communications

Helena Azevedo

Dr Helena Azevedo

Senior Lecturer in Biomedical Engineering & Biomaterials

School of Engineering and Materials Science
Queen Mary University of London
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Biomaterials, Peptides, Hyaluronan, Hydrogels, Self-assembly, regenerative medicine

Frances Balkwill

Prof Frances Balkwill

Centre Lead, Cancer and Inflammation

Barts Cancer Institute
Queen Mary University of London
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Cancer, Immunology, Immunotherapies, Matrisome

Adrian Biddle

Dr Adrian Biddle

Centre for Cell Biology and Cutaneous Research, Blizard Institute
Queen Mary University of London
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom
020 7788 2348

cancer, stem cells, human development, human models, heterogeneity, cell biology

Cleo Bishop

Dr Cleo Bishop

Non-Clinical Senior Lecturer and Director of Graduate Studies

Blizard Instiute
Queen Mary University of London
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom
020 7882 2343

3D living skin equivalent models, senescence, ageing, p16, high content image analysis, compound screening

Claire Bourke

Dr Claire Bourke

Lecturer/Research Fellow

Centre for Genomics and Child Health
Queen Mary University of London
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom


Emma Chambers

Dr Emma Chambers


Centre for Immunobiology, Blizard Institute
Queen Mary University of London
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Ageing, Lung, Senescence, immunology, viruses

Li Chan

Dr Li Chan

Reader in Molecular Endocrinology and Metabolism

Centre for Endocrinology
Queen Mary University of London
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Neurology, Metabolism, Endocrinology, Obesity, Appetite, Stress

Tina Chowdhury

Dr Tina Chowdhury

Senior Lecturer in Regenerative Medicine

Queen Mary University of London
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Biomedical Engineering, Regenerative Medicine, Inflammation, Nanotechnology

John Connelly

Dr John Connelly

Reader in Bioengineering

Medicine and Dentistry, Blizard Institute
Queen Mary University of London
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom
020 7882 7160

Skin, Microfabrication, 3D printing, Mechanobiology

Nikos Donos

Prof Nikos Donos

Prof, Head of Clinical Research, Lead Centre Oral Immunobiology & Regenerative Medicine,

Institute of Dentistry, Barts & The London School of Medicine and Dentistry
Queen Mary University of London
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Periodontal ligament, bone regenration, gingival regenration

Neil Dufton

Dr Neil Dufton

Lecturer in Inflammatory Sciences

William Harvey Research Institute
Queen Mary University of London
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Endothelial-to-mesenchymal transition, fibrosis, inflammation

Julien Gautrot

Dr Julien Gautrot

School of Engineering and Materials Science
Queen Mary University of London
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Biomaterials, Biointerfaces, Microfabrication, Vascular networks, Skin, Stem Cells

Núria Gavara

Dr Núria Gavara

Lecturer in Biomedical Engineering

School of Engineering and Materials Science
Queen Mary University of London
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom
+44 20 7882 6596

Cell mechanics, Mechanobiology, Image quantification, Atomic Force Microscopy, Machine Learning

David Gould

Dr David Gould

Senior Researcher

Queen Mary University of London
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom
07814 907140

targeted drug delivery, gene therapy, nanomedicine, enzyme therapeutics

Jonathan Grigg

Professor Jonathan Grigg

Prof Paediatric Respiratory and Environmental Medicine

Child Health
Queen Mary University of London
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

air pollution, infection

Richard Grose

Dr Richard Grose

Reader in Cancer Cell Biology

Barts Cancer Institute
Queen Mary University of London
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom
020 7882 3574

Cancer biology, 3D cell culture, Growth factor signalling, Drug resistance

Eleni Hagi-Pavli

Dr. Eleni Hagi-Pavli

Senior Lecturer

Dental Institute, Centre for Oral Immunobiology and Regenerative Medicine
Queen Mary University of London
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom
+44 (0)20 7882 7141

3D Oral Models, Oral Epithelium, Inflammation, in vitro oral models, Oral mucosa, Cell Biology

Karin Hing

Dr Karin Hing

Reader in Biomedical Materials

School of Engineering and Materials
Queen Mary University of London
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom
020 7882 7804

Bone graft substitutes, Porous scaffolds, Perfusion Bioreactor, Bone regeneration, Hydroxyapatite

Thomas Iskratsch

Dr Thomas Iskratsch

School of Engineering and Materials Science
Queen Mary University of London
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Mechanobiology, Bioengineering, Rigidity sensing, Actin assemblyCells, Cardiomyocytes, Vascular Smooth Muscle

Ioanna Keklikoglou

Dr Ioanna Keklikoglou

Lecturer/Group Leader

School of Medicine and Dentistry, Barts Cancer Institute
Queen Mary University of London
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Cancer biology, Tumour Microenvironment, Metastasis, Therapy resistance, Macrophages

Martin Knight

Prof Martin Knight

Professor of Mechanobiology
Network Co-Director & Chair of Funding Prioritisation Panel

School of Engineering and Materials Science
Queen Mary University of London
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom
+44 (0)20 7882 8868

Primary cilia, Mechanosignalling, Emulate, Atherosclerosis, Osteoarthritis, Cancer

Steffi Krause

Dr Steffi Krause

Reader in Electroanalytical Systems

School of Engineering and Materials Science
Queen Mary University of London
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Electrochemistry, Imaging, Sensors

David Lee

Prof David Lee

School of Engineering and Materials Science
Queen Mary University of London
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Mechanobiology, Tissue Engineering, Regenerative medicine, Musculoskeletal, Mesenchymal stem cell

Yung-Yao Lin

Dr Yung-Yao Lin


Blizard Institute, School of Medicine and Dentistry
Queen Mary University of London
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Human induced pluripotent stem cells, CRISPR genome editing, Neuromuscular disorders, Disease modelling, Regenerative medicine, Tissue engineering

Kenneth Linton

Professor Kenneth Linton

Professor of Protein Biochemistry

Blizard Institute, School of Medicine and Dentistry
Queen Mary University of London
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

ABC transporters, Bile flow, drug efflux pumps, scavenger receptor, liver

Daniela Loessner

Dr Daniela Loessner

Reader in Bioengineering and Cancer

Barts Cancer Institute
Queen Mary University of London
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom
07449 694434

3D in vitro models, 3D cancer models, hydrogels, scaffolds, biofabrication, tumour microenvironment

Eirini Marouli

Dr Eirini Marouli

Associate Professor/Senior Leturer in Computational Biology

School of Medicine and Dentistry
Queen Mary University of London
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Genetics, Artificial Intelligence, Digital Health, Machine Learning, Disease Prediction, Clinical Imaging

Alvaro Mata

Prof. Alvaro Mata


Queen Mary University of London
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom
07852 882238

biofabrication, peptide and protein-based materials, self-assembly, microfluidics, organoids, hydrogels

Simon McArthur

Dr Simon McArthur

Senior Lecturer in Neuroscience and Pharmacology

Institute of Dentistry, Barts & the London School of Medicine & Dentistry
Queen Mary University of London
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom
+4420 7882 7133

Blood brain barrier, Gut brain axis, Neuroinflammation, Alzheimer's disease, Microglia, Vascular dementia

Neil McCarthy

Dr Neil McCarthy

Senior Lecturer in Immunology

The Blizard Institute, Centre for Immunobiology
Queen Mary University of London
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom
+44(0)20 7882 [2326]

Mucosal immunology, Inflammation, Crohn's disease, Ulcerative colitis, Candida, γδ T-cells

Lou Metherell

Professor Lou Metherell

Professor of Endocrine Genetics

Centre for Endocrinology, William Harvey Research Institute
Queen Mary University of London
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Adrenal, Endocrine, Cardiovascular, Genetics

Tom Nightingale

Dr Tom Nightingale


William Harvey Research Institute
Queen Mary University of London
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom
020 7882 8238

Endothelial cells, Inflammation, Thrombosis, Intracellular trafficking

Lucy Norling

Dr Lucy Norling

Senior Lecturer

Centre for Biochemical Pharmacology
Queen Mary University of London
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Arthritis, Neutrophil, Omega-3, Resolvin, Fibroblast, Resolution of Inflammation

Daniel Pennington

Prof Daniel Pennington

Professor of Molecular Biology, and Centre Lead for Immunobiology

Centre for Immunobiology, Blizard Institute, School of Medicine and Dentistry
Queen Mary University of London
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom
020 7882 2302

Human Immunology, T cells, Immunopathology

Pedro Rodriguez Cutillas

Prof Pedro Rodriguez Cutillas

Professor of cell signalling & proteomics

Barts Cancer Institute
Queen Mary University of London
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom
07973 721271

Cancer research, Proteomics, Mass spectrometry, Cell signalling, Therapeutics

Hazel Screen

Prof Hazel Screen

Professor of Biomedical Engineering
Director of the Organ-on-a-Chip Network

School of Engineering and Materials Science
Queen Mary University of London
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom
+44 (0)20 7882 6167

Ines Sequeira

Dr Ines Sequeira

Group Leader / Barts Charity Lecturer

Institute of Dentistry, Barts and The London School of Medicine and Dentistry
Queen Mary University of London
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom
+44 (0) 20 7882 7007

Cancer biology, Organoids, Patient-derived tumour organoids, Tumour heterogeneity, Wound healing, Stem Cells

Julia Shelton

Prof Julia Shelton

School of Engineering and Materials Science
Queen Mary University of London
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom
020 7882 8877

Total joint replacements, Taper corrosion, cobalt response, antibacterial surfaces

Yi Sui

Dr Yi Sui

Senior Lecturer

School of Engineering and Materials Science
Queen Mary University of London
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Fluid Mechanics, Microfluidics, modelling and simulation

Pankaj Vadgama

Prof Pankaj Vadgama

School of Engineering and Materials Science
Queen Mary University of London
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Biosensors, Microfluidics

David Wareham

Dr David Wareham

Queen Mary University of London
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Antimirobial Resistance, Gram-negative Infections, Novel Antimirobials, Molecular Microbiology

Queen's University Belfast

Gasser Abdelal

Dr Gasser Abdelal


School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Queen's University Belfast
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom
028 9097 4123

multiphyscis modelling, Deep learning neural network

Dimitrios A. Lamprou

Professor Dimitrios A. Lamprou

Professor (Chair) of Biofabrication and Advanced Manufacturing

School of Pharmacy
Queen's University Belfast
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom
+44 (0)28 9097 2617

3D Printing, Bioprinting, Microfluidics, lab-on-a-chip, Drug Delivery, Nanomedicines

Imre Lengyel

Dr Imre Lengyel

Reader (associate professor)

Wellcome-Wolfson Institute for Experimental Medicine
Queen's University Belfast
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom
+4428 9097 6027

retina, macular degeneration, retinal pigment epithelium, choroidal endothelium, drusen

Reinhold Medina

Prof Reinhold Medina

Experimental Medicine
Queen's University Belfast
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Endothelial cells, Angiogenesis, Vascularization, Vascular stem cells, Hypoxia, Ischaemia

RJAH Orthopaedic Hospital, Oswestry & Keele University

Sally Roberts

Professor Sally Roberts

Director of Spinal Research, Prof of Orthopaedic Research

ISTM, Keele
RJAH Orthopaedic Hospital, Oswestry & Keele University
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom
01691 404664

articular cartilage, intervertebral disc, cell therapy

Royal Free Hospital, London

Jane Macnaughtan

Dr Jane Macnaughtan

Royal Free Hospital, London
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom
07973 145918

Gut-brain axis

Royal Veterinary College

Andrew Pitsillides

Prof Andrew Pitsillides

Comparative Biomedical Sciences
Royal Veterinary College
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom
020 7468 5245

joint, cartialge, bone, mechanobiology, osteoarthritis

Christina Warboys

Dr Christina Warboys


Department of Comparative Biomedical Sciences
Royal Veterinary College
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

endothelial, mechanobiology, wnt, shear stress

Dirk Werling

Prof Dirk Werling

Department of Pathobiology and Population Sciences
Royal Veterinary College
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom
01707 666358

Host-Pathogen interaction, Vaccine design, Mucosal interface, Stem cells

Swansea University

Feihu Zhao

Dr Feihu Zhao

Swansea University
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

In silico tissue engineering, Mechanobiology, Tissue engineering devices design

Teesside University

Zulfiqur Ali

Prof Zulfiqur Ali

Director, Healthcare Innovation Partnership

School of Health and Life Sciences
Teesside University
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Microfluidics, Micro and nanofabrication, Optical and electrochemical sensing, Bioprocessing on chip

The Francis Crick Institute

Albane Imbert

Ms Albane Imbert

Head of Making Lab Science Technology Platform

Science Technology Platform
The Francis Crick Institute
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

The Institute of Cancer Research

Carol Box

Dr Carol Box

Higher scientific officer

Division of Radiotherapy & Imaging
The Institute of Cancer Research
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom
020 8722 4576

cancer, hypoxia, metastasis, therapy, 3D, imaging

Andrea Lampis

Dr Andrea Lampis

Higher Scientific Officer

Molecular Pathology
The Institute of Cancer Research
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

3D Organoids, miRNAs, Non coding RNAs, Microscopy, Immunostaining, TME

The Institute of cancer Research

Spiros Linardopoulos

Prof Spiros Linardopoulos

Team Leader

The Institute of cancer Research
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Drug Discovery, Oncology

The University of Edinburgh

Pierre Bagnaninchi

Dr Pierre Bagnaninchi


The University of Edinburgh
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Impedance spectroscopy, Eye, Barrier function, noninvasive bioimaging, Impedance-based cellular assays, regenerative medicine

Lucia Bandiera

Dr Lucia Bandiera

Chancellor's Fellow in Global Challenges

Institute for Bioengineering/School of Engineering
The University of Edinburgh
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom
07857 016651

in-vitro models, microfluidics, optimisation, therapy design

Alistair Elfick

Prof Alistair Elfick

Head of Institute for Bioengineering; Depute Director, UK Centre for Mammalian Synthetic Biology

The University of Edinburgh
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom
07873 686635

Synthetic Biology, Tissue engineering, Materials science, Liver disease models, Alzheimer disease models

Jonathan Fallowfield

Professor Jonathan Fallowfield

Personal Chair of Translational Liver Research

Centre for Inflammation Research
The University of Edinburgh
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Liver fibrosis, NASH

David Hay

Prof David Hay

The University of Edinburgh
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom
0131 651 9500

pluripotent stem cell, liver, hepatocyte, modelling 'in a dish', fluid flow

Jiabin Jia

Dr Jiabin Jia

Senior Lecturer

Institute for Digital Communications, School of Engineering
The University of Edinburgh
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom
0131 651 3568

John Mullins

Prof John Mullins

Director, BHF Centre of Research Excellence

The University of Edinburgh
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

kidney, scaffold, cell culture, genetic modification, pericytes, principal cells

Leonard Nelson

Dr Leonard Nelson

Senior Research Fellow

Institute for Bioengineering
The University of Edinburgh
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom
07792 667425

Hepatology, Liver tissue engineering, Drug-induced liver injury, Liver disease (NAFLD; NASH; Cancer), Synthetic biology, Alzheimer's disease

Norbert Radacsi

Dr Norbert Radacsi


School of Engineering
The University of Edinburgh
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom
07454 534582

Bioprinting, Electrospinning, Sensors, Smart biomaterials, Organoids, Tissue engineering

The University of Manchester

Paul Brownbill

Dr Paul Brownbill

Research Fellow

School of Medical Sciences / Division of Developmental Biology & Medicine
The University of Manchester
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Placenta, Barrier, Physiology, Microcirculation, Permeability

Cyrill Bussy

Dr Cyrill Bussy

DPO - Lydia Becker Institute/National Graphene Institute/Thomas Ashton Institute
The University of Manchester
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

nanomaterials, hazard assessment, graphene, organoids, predictive model for toxicology

Sarah Cartmell

Prof Sarah Cartmell

Professor of Bioengineering

School of Materials
The University of Manchester
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom
0161 306 3567

orthopaedic, electrical stimulation, mechanotransduction, osteochondral, bioengineering

Giulio Cossu

Prof Giulio Cossu

Constance Thornley Professor of Regenerative Medicine

Division of Cell matrix Biology and Regenerative Medicine
The University of Manchester
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom
0161 306 2526

Cell and gene therapy, Muscular dystrophies, Muscle differentiation, Pericytes

Philip Day

Dr Philip Day

Manchester Institute of Biotechnology, School of Biological Sciences, Faculty of Biology, Medicine and Health.
The University of Manchester
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom
07595 824083

qPCR, Single Cell, Integrated analysis, uTAS, Synthetic Biology, heterogeneity

Brian Derby

Prof Brian Derby

The University of Manchester
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Bioprinting, Inkjet Printing, Cell Sheet Engineering, Biomaterials, Nanomechanics

Julie Gough

Prof Julie Gough

Professor of Biomaterials & Tissue Engineering

School of Materials, Faculty of Science & Engineering
The University of Manchester
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom
0161 306 8958

Biomaterials, Tissue engineering, Regenerative medicine, Cell interactions

Karl Kadler

Prof Karl Kadler

Professor of Biochemistry

Wellcome Centre for Cell-Matrix Research
The University of Manchester
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom
0161 275 5086

Extracellular matrix, Circadian clock, Secretory pathway, Tendon

Gloria Lopez-Castejon

Dr Gloria Lopez-Castejon

Lydia Becker Institute of Immunology and Inflammation
The University of Manchester
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Tom Shearer

Dr Tom Shearer

Mathematics and Materials
The University of Manchester
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Mathematical Modelling, Solid Mechanics, Biomechanics, Structure-function relationships, Tendon, Collagen

Annalisa Tirella

Dr Annalisa Tirella


The University of Manchester
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Olga Tsigkou

Dr Olga Tsigkou

Lecturer in Biomaterials

School of Materials
The University of Manchester
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

3D cell culture models, Tissue engineering, Stem cells, Hydrogels, Vascularization of engineered tissues

Tao Wang

Prof Tao Wang

The University of Manchester
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

iPSC disease modelling

The University of Sheffield

Frederik Claeyssens

Dr. Frederik Claeyssens

Senior Lecturer

The University of Sheffield
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Biomaterials Science, Porous biomaterials, scaffolds for 3D cell culture

Helen Colley

Dr Helen Colley

Lecturer in Oral Bioscience

The University of Sheffield
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Tissue-engineering, oral mucosa, skin, epithelium, in vitro models

Kai Erdmann

Dr Kai Erdmann

Biomedical Science
The University of Sheffield
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom
0114 222 4698

Lowe syndrome, endocytosis, membrane trafficking, organ on chip, PDZ, epithelial polarisation

Ke Ning

Dr Ke Ning

The University of Sheffield
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom
07926 725450

Motor neuron disease, induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs), Gene therapy, Cerebral organoid, Electrophysiology, Neurodegeneration

Gwendolen Reilly

Dr Gwendolen Reilly

Materials Science and Engineering
The University of Sheffield
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom
+44 (0)114 222 5986

Bone, osteocytes, mechanobiology, biomaterials, orthopaedics, extracellular matrix

Stefaan Verbruggen

Dr Stefaan Verbruggen


Department of Mechanical Engineering
The University of Sheffield
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom
07413 884909

Bone, Cilia, Cancer, Development, Biomechanics


Vincenzo Calvanese

Dr Vincenzo Calvanese

flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

developmental hematopoiesis, blood development, hematopoietic stem cells, embryology

Giulia Massaro

Dr Giulia Massaro

School of Pharmacy
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Gene Therapy

University College London

Francesco D'Aiuto

Prof Francesco D'Aiuto

Professor of Periodontology, Head of Unit

Eastman Dental Institute and Hospital
University College London
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom
020 3456 1108

Vascular Biology, Dentistry, Regenerative Medicine, Immunology

Anna David

Prof Anna David

Professor of Obstetrics and Maternal Fetal Medicine

Institute for Women’s Health
University College London
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom
07852 220375

Fetal medicine, Placenta, Fetus, Preterm birth, Stem cells, Pregnancy

Stephen Hart

Prof Stephen Hart

Professor in Molecular Genetics

Great Ormond Street Institute of Child Health
University College London
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom
020 7905 2228

primary ciliary dyskinesia, ALI cultures, cyustic fibrosis, gene therapy

Susan Heavey

Dr Susan Heavey


Targeted Intervention
University College London
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom
07427 068859

Cancer, explant, spatial transcriptomics, signal transduction, targeted therapy, prostate cancer

Robert Heyderman

Prof Robert Heyderman

University College London
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Epithelium, Microbial pathogenesis, Bacteria, Mucosa

Deepak Kalaskar

Dr Deepak Kalaskar

Associate Professor

Division of surgery and intervention science
University College London
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Bioprinting, Biomaterials, Tissue engineering, Disease model development, Bone, Cartilage

Marilena Loizidou

Prof Marilena Loizidou

Division of Surgery and Interventional Science
University College London
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom
07721 927971

3D tissue engineered cancer models, tumouroids, cancer nanotechnology, targeted cancer theranostics



University College London
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Photochemistry, Spectroscopy, Nanotechnology

Yanlan Mao

Dr Yanlan Mao

Group Leader

University College London
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Tissue mechanics, Regeneration, Wound healing

Hannah Mitchison

Prof Hannah Mitchison

UCL GOS Institute of Child Health
University College London
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom
020 7905 2866

ciliopathies, cilia, epithelium, genetics, antisense

Maryam Parhizkar

Dr Maryam Parhizkar

School of Pharmacy
University College London
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Microfluidics, Cancer nanomedicine, Drug Delivery, Pulmonary Hypertension

Claire Smith

Dr Claire Smith

Lecturer in Respiratory Infection

UCL GOS Institute of Child Health
University College London
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom
020 7905 2231

Respiratory, Infections, Neutrophil, Lung, Interface

Wenhui Song

Prof Wenhui Song

Director of Centre for Biomaterials in Surgical Reconstruction and Regeneration

Division of Surgery and Interventional Science
University College London
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom
020 8016 8130 (ext. 68130)

Biomaterials, Nanomaterials, Tissue Enginering, 3D Bioprinting, Drug Delivery, Implantable biosensors/devices

Giorgio Volpe

Dr Giorgio Volpe


University College London
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

active matter, microfluidics, soft matter

Stephen Walsh

Dr Stephen Walsh

Department of Renal Medicine
University College London
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

kidney, Physiology, Micropuncture, Hypertension, Sodium transport

University of Aberdeen

Rasha Abu Eid

Dr Rasha Abu Eid

Senior Lecturer in Oral Sciences

School of Medicine, Medical Sciences & Nutrition/ Institute of Dentistry
University of Aberdeen
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom
01224 555155

Head and neck cancer, Cancer immunology, Digital Pathology, Image analysis, T cell Biology, Cancer

Iain Gibson

Prof Iain Gibson

Professor in Biomaterials and Regenerative Medicine

School of Medicine, Medical Sciences and Nutrition
University of Aberdeen
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom
01224 437476

Bone regeneration and repair, scaffolds, biomaterials, cell-material interactions

Carol Munro

Professor Carol Munro

University of Aberdeen
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Medical Mycology, Infection biology, Fungal pathogens

Valerie Speirs

Prof Valerie Speirs

Chair in Molecular Oncology

Institute of Medical Sciences
University of Aberdeen
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

cancer, biobanking, pathology

University of Bath

Paul De Bank

Dr Paul De Bank

Senior Lecturer

Department of Pharmacy and Pharmacology
University of Bath
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom
01225 384017

Tissue engineering, Biomaterials, 3D culture, Drug delivery

Pedro Estrela

Dr Pedro Estrela

Senior Lecturer

Department of Electronic & Electrical Engineering
University of Bath
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom
01225 386324

Biosensors, Biodevices, Personalised medicine, Drug discovery

Ali Mohammadi

Dr Ali Mohammadi


Electronic and Electrical Engineering
University of Bath
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Microelectronics, Mictoelectromechanical Systems (MEMS)

Adele Murrell

Prof Adele Murrell


University of Bath
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Cell biology, Cancer, Epigenetics, Breast organoids, Placenta, Colon organoids

Charareh Pourzand

Dr Charareh Pourzand

Reader in Biopharmaceutics

Department of Pharmacy and Pharmacology
University of Bath
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

skin cancer, psoriasis, parkinson's disease, friedreich's ataxia, sunlight skin damage, iron and oxidative stress

Nuno Reis

Dr Nuno Reis

Reader in Bioengineering and Biomedical Innovation

Centre for Biosensors, Bioelectronics and Biodevices (C3Bio)
University of Bath
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom
01225 383369

Microfluidics, Bioanalytics, Stem cells, Biosensors, Organ-on-a-chip

David Tosh

Prof David Tosh


University of Bath
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Liver, Pancreas, Cellular reprogramming

University of Birmingham

Hanene Ali-Boucetta

Dr Hanene Ali-Boucetta

The School of Pharmacy
University of Birmingham
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Nanomedicine, 3D cancer models, Nanotoxicology, Drug Delivery

Maria Chiara Arno

Dr Maria Chiara Arno

School of Chemistry and Institute of Cancer and Genomic Sciences
University of Birmingham
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Polymers, Cell engineering, Biomaterials

Vinton Cheng

Dr Vinton Cheng

Associate Clinical Professor

Institute of Cancer and Genomic Sciences
University of Birmingham
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Brain tumours, Metastasis, Vasculature, Inflammation

Paul Cooper

Prof Paul Cooper

School of Dentistry
University of Birmingham
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Inflammation, Infectious disease, Stem cell biology, Oral biology, 3D model systems, Biomaterials

Gerard Cummins

Dr Gerard Cummins

Lecturer in Biomedical Engineering

University of Birmingham
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

medical microsystems, biosensors, translational testing, gastrointestinal disease

Anirban Dutta

Dr. Anirban Dutta

Associate Professor of Quantitative Biomedicine

Institute of Metabolism and Systems Research
University of Birmingham
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

organoid engineering, phase zero studies, systems biology

Alicia El Haj

Prof Alicia El Haj

Interdisciplinary Chair in Cell Engineering

Healthcare Technology Institute
University of Birmingham
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Anita Ghag

Dr Anita Ghag

Lecturer in Biomaterials

School of Chemical Engineering
University of Birmingham
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Biomaterials, Regenerative Medicine, Materials Science, Electrospinning, Drug Delivery, Healthcare Technology

Liam Grover

Prof Liam Grover

Director of Healthcare Technologies Institute

Chemical Engineering
University of Birmingham
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom
07967 596282

Mineralisation, Bone, Fibrosis, Ex vivo models, In vitro models, Ligament

Ruchi Gupta

Dr Ruchi Gupta

Senior Lecturer

University of Birmingham
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Sensors, Microfluidics, Detection, Bioassays, Analytical chemistry, Real-time

Peter Hewett

Dr Peter Hewett


Institute of Cardiovascular Sciences
University of Birmingham
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom
0121 4142659

endothelial cells, angiogenesis, VEGF, shear stress, gene regulation, endothelial dysfunction

Lisa Hill

Dr Lisa Hill

University of Birmingham
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Matrix biology, Ophthalmology, Neuroscience, Tissue Engineering, in vitro modelling, in vivo modelling

Dick Shelton

Dr Dick Shelton

University of Birmingham
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Bone biomaterials, Tissue engineering, Regenerative medicine, Oral mucosa, Hydrogels

Shishir Shetty

Dr Shishir Shetty

University of Birmingham
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Liver immunology, Primary liver cancer

University of Bradford

Giulia Grimaldi

Dr Giulia Grimaldi

University of Bradford
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

multi organ on chip device, breast cancer, organ on chip devices, microfluidics

University of Brighton

Bhavik Patel

Professor Bhavik Patel

Professor of Clinical and Bioanalytical Chemistry

University of Brighton
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Electrochemical Sensing, 3D printing, Sensor systems, Intestinal

University of Bristol

James Armstrong

Dr James Armstrong

Bristol Medical School
University of Bristol
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

University of Cambridge

Manohar Bance

Prof Manohar Bance

Professor of Otology and Skull Base Surgery

Clinical Neurosciences
University of Cambridge
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

cochlea, hearing loss, cochlear implants, deafness, inner ear, tinnitus

Pietro Cicuta

Prof Pietro Cicuta

Professor in Physics

University of Cambridge
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

motile cilia, lung on chip, single cell imaging, imaging infections

Alessandra Granata

Dr Alessandra Granata

Clinical Neurosciences
University of Cambridge
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Stem cells, Blood brain barrier, Cerebral small vessel diseases

Matthew Harper

Dr Matthew Harper

University of Cambridge
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

thrombosis, haemostasis, platelets, blood

Yan Yan Shery Huang

Dr Yan Yan Shery Huang

University Lecturer

Department of Engineering
University of Cambridge
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom
+44 7733 173363

Vito Mennella

Prof Vito Mennella

MRC investigator, Director of Research

MRC toxicology unit
University of Cambridge
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Organelle biology, Airway disease model, Cilia and centrosome research, Super-resolution imaging, Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia, Ciliopathies

Roisin Owens

Dr Roisin Owens

University Lecturer

Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology
University of Cambridge
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

bioelectronics, In-line monitoring, gut-brain axis, microbiome, organic electronics, 3D models

Ludovic Vallier

Prof Ludovic Vallier

Cambridge Stem Cell Institute and Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute
University of Cambridge
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom
01223 747 475

liver, stem cells, metabolic disorders

Maria Vias

Dr Maria Vias

Principal Scientific Associate

University of Cambridge
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom
01223 769737

in vitro models, ovarian cancer, organoids

University of Dundee

Paul Davies

Dr Paul Davies

General Manager

University of Dundee
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Medical research

Elad Katz

Dr Elad Katz

University of Dundee
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom
07875 952687

Cancer, Epithelial, Airway

Colin Murdoch

Dr Colin Murdoch

Senior Lecturer

Systems Medicine, School of Medicine
University of Dundee
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom
01382 383526

cardiovascular, oxidative stress, placenta, preeclampsia, hypertension

University of East Anglia

Graham Riley

Dr Graham Riley

Biological Sciences
University of East Anglia
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Tendon, Tendinopathy, Regenerative Medicine, Tissue Engineering

University of Essex

Michael Barros

Dr Michael Barros


University of Essex
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Bioprinting, Biocomputing, Engineering Biology, AI, Molecular Communications

Andrea Mohr

Dr Andrea Mohr


School of Life Sciences
University of Essex
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Mesenchymal stem cells, Cell therapy, Cancer

University of Exeter

David Richards

Dr David Richards

University of Exeter
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Microfluidics, Mathematical modelling

Krasimira Tsaneva-Atanasova

Prof Krasimira Tsaneva-Atanasova

University of Exeter
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Biomathematics, Quantitative methods for healthcare

Frank Vollmer

Prof Frank Vollmer


Living Systems Institute, Dep Physics and Astronomy
University of Exeter
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom
01392 724771

Biosensing, Lab on Chip, Protein Dynamics, Single-Molecule, Optical Detection, Optical Microcavities

Kirsty Wan

Dr Kirsty Wan

Living Systems Institute
University of Exeter
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

cilia, biomechanics, locomotion, motility, fluid dynamics

University of Glasgow

Dave Adams

Prof Dave Adams

University of Glasgow
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Gel, Hydrogel, Peptide, Supramolecular

Ross Cagan

Dr. Ross Cagan

Institute of Cancer Sciences
University of Glasgow
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

cancer biology, drug development, rare genetic diseases

Matthew Dalby

Prof Matthew Dalby

Professor of Cell Engineering

Institute of Molecular Cell and Systems Biology
University of Glasgow
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Nikolaj Gadegaard

Prof Nikolaj Gadegaard

School of Engineering
University of Glasgow
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom
0141 330 5243

Nanotechnology, Stem cells, Organs on a chip

Carl Goodyear

Prof Carl Goodyear

Professor of Translational Immunology & Directorof GLAZgo Discovery Centre

Institute of Infection, Immunity and Inflammation
University of Glasgow
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom
0141 330 3865

Immunology, Inflammation, Rheumatoid arthritis, Osteoarthritis, Bone biology, Epigenetic

Christopher Loughrey

Dr Christopher Loughrey


Institute of Cardiovascular & Medical Sciences
University of Glasgow
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom
0141 330 2753

Heart, Cardiomyocytes, Cardiac Remodelling, Heart Attack, Calcium, Experimental Cardiology

Sean McGinty

Dr Sean McGinty


Biomedical Engineering and Centre for Mathematics Applied to Life Sciences (CMALS)
University of Glasgow
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

In-silico modelling, bioreactors, fluid dynamics, drug delivery, drug testing, mathematical modelling

Douglas Morrison

Dr Douglas Morrison


Scottish Universities Environmental Research Centre
University of Glasgow
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Gut function, Nutrition, Gut Microbiome, Stable Isotopes

Caroline Muellenbroich

Dr Caroline Muellenbroich


School of Physics and Astronomy
University of Glasgow
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

cardio electrophysiology, cardiac imaging, cardiac optogenetics, arrhythmogenesis, light-sheet microscopy, two-photon microscopy

Julien Reboud

Dr Julien Reboud

University of Glasgow
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

microfluidics, acoustics, cell-based assays

Mathis Riehle

Dr Mathis Riehle

Institute for molecular cell and systems biology
University of Glasgow
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom
0141 330 2931

nerve repair, stretch, mechanobiology, stem cell, dorsal root ganglion

Manuel Salmeron-Sanchez

Prof Manuel Salmeron-Sanchez

Chair of Biomedical Engineering

Engineering/Biomedical Engineering
University of Glasgow
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Biomaterials, Growth factors, Stem cells, bone, Hydrogels, Fibronectin

Helen Wheadon

Dr Helen Wheadon

Senior Lecturer

Institute of Cancer Sciences
University of Glasgow
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom
0141 301 7893

Stem Cells, Leukaemia, Haemopoiesis, Signal transduction, Single Cell RNA sequencing

Huabing Yin

Prof Huabing Yin

Engineering/Biomedical Engineering
University of Glasgow
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Microfluidics, Cell mechanics, Raman spectroscopy, Single-cell analysis, Atomic force microscopy

University of Hertfordshire

David Chau

Dr David Chau

Senior Lecturer in Pharmaceutics

University of Hertfordshire
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Regenerative medicine, Biotechnology

Ian Johnston

Prof Ian Johnston

Head of the Microfluidics and Microengineering Research Group

Deptartment of Engineering
University of Hertfordshire
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom
01707 284169

Microfluidics, Bioengineering, Digital microfluidics, Integrated systems, Separation, Microreactors

Daniel McCluskey

Assoc Professor Daniel McCluskey

Director - Centre for Research in Biodetetcion Technologies

School of Engineering & Computer Science
University of Hertfordshire
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom
01707 284147

Microfluidics, Biodetection, Sample Processing, Environmental Sampling, Fluid Handling, Electrowetting

Laura Urbano

Dr Laura Urbano


Department of Clinical and Pharmaceutical Sciences
University of Hertfordshire
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom
07597 225696

University of Huddersfield

Simon Allison

Dr Simon Allison

Reader in Cell Biology & Pharmacology

Applied Sciences
University of Huddersfield
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

anti-cancer therapeutics, novel anti-cancer agents, cancer metabolism, phenotypic screens, microfluidics, hypoxia

Jitkai Chin

Dr Jitkai Chin

Senior Lecturer

Department of Applied Sciences
University of Huddersfield
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom
07599 793180

microfabrication, droplet microfluidics, 3d printing, micro-emulsion

University of Hull

Charlotte Dyer

Dr Charlotte Dyer

Lecturer in Biomedical Sciences

School of Life Sciences, Biomedical Sciences
University of Hull
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom
01482 466993

Inflammatory Bowel Disease, Gut, Human biopsy, diagnostic, nucleic acid based detection

John Greenman

Prof John Greenman

School of Life Sciences / Biomedical Science
University of Hull
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom
01482 465502

Oncology, Immunology, Device fabrication

Dmitriy Kuvshinov

Dr Dmitriy Kuvshinov

lecturer in chemical engineering

School of Computer Science and Engineering,
University of Hull
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom
07578 633232

liquid and cells on-a-chip manipulation, electrochemistry, fluids physical properties measurement, nano objects on-a-chip incorporation, nano-bio-sensing, lung on-a-chip

Nicole Pamme

Prof Nicole Pamme

Professor in Analytical Chemisry

School of Mathematics and Physical Sciences
University of Hull
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom
01482 465027

lab-on-a-chip, tissue-on-a-chip, clinical diagnostics on-chip, materials chemistry on-chip, environmental analysis on-chip

Laura Sadofsky

Dr Laura Sadofsky


Hull York Medical School
University of Hull
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom
01482 462184

Cough, Rhinovirus, Lung, Respiratory, Airways, Human

University of Kent

Robert Barker

Dr Robert Barker

Lecturer in Chemistry

School of Physical Sciences
University of Kent
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Microfluidics, Mechanobiology, Surface Chemistry, Biophysics, Surface Characterisation, Neutron Scattering

Adrian Podoleanu

Prof Adrian Podoleanu

School of Physical Sciences, Applied Optics Group
University of Kent
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom
07940 582321

optical coherence tomography, non invasive high resolution optical imaging, scanning, full field

Anastasios Tsaousis

Dr. Anastasios Tsaousis

Reader in Molecular & Evolutionary Parasitology

School of Biosciences
University of Kent
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

parasites, host-parasites interaction, microbiome, evolution, intracellular lifestyle, microbial ecology

University of Leeds

Hazel Fermor

Dr Hazel Fermor


iMBE, School of Biomedical Sciences
University of Leeds
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Cartilage, Bone, Musculoskeletal, Decellularisation, Biological Scaffolds, Tissue Engineering

Russ Harris

Prof Russ Harris


Future Manufacturing Processes
University of Leeds
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Fabrication, Manufacturing

Lin-Hua Jiang

Dr Lin-Hua Jiang

University of Leeds
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom


Gin Jose

Prof Gin Jose

School of Chemical and Process Engineering
University of Leeds
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Biosensors, Photonics, Materials Science

Virginia Pensabene

Dr Virginia Pensabene

School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
University of Leeds
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom
07713 371521

reproductive biology, microphysiological systems, reproductive toxicology

Sreenivasan Ponnambalam

Dr Sreenivasan Ponnambalam

Reader in Human Disease Biology

School of Molecular and Cellular Biology
University of Leeds
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom
0113 343 3007

Cell biology, Vascular biology, Endothelial cells, Cancer, Heart disease, VEGF-A

Sikha Saha

Dr Sikha Saha

Associate Professor

School of Medicine
University of Leeds
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom
07747 844184

Blood brain barrier model, Quasivivo system, millifluidic system, Organ on a chip, Alzhermer's disease, Stroke model and mechanism

University of Liverpool

Lucy Bosworth

Dr Lucy Bosworth

Research Fellow

Department of Eye & Vision Science, Institute of Life Course and Medical Sciences
University of Liverpool
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom
07875 650338

Nanofibre scaffolds, Electrospinning, Biomaterials

Janine Coombes

Dr Janine Coombes


Infection and Global Health
University of Liverpool
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom
0151 795 0224

Immune cell migration, Intestinal organoid, NK cell, Parasites, Toxoplasma gondii, Mucosal immunology

Judith Curran

Dr Judith Curran

Lecturer Biomedical Engineering

School of Engineering
University of Liverpool
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Surface Modification, Tissue Engineering, Bone Biomaterials, Mesenchymal Stem Cells, Cell Adhesion, Musculoskeletal

Adeniyi Olagunju

Dr Adeniyi Olagunju

Senior Lecturer

Department of Pharmacology and Therapeutics, Institute of Systems, Molecular and Integrative Biology
University of Liverpool
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Organs-on-chips, Placenta, Pregnancy, Pharmacology, Long-acting formulations

Mandy Peffers

Dr Mandy Peffers

Institute of Ageing and Chronic Disease
University of Liverpool
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom
07872 692102

Tendon ageing, small non-coding RNAs, snoRNA, epigenetics, proteomics, arthritis

Parveen Sharma

Dr Parveen Sharma


Pharmacology / Centre for Drug Saftey Science
University of Liverpool
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Cardiotoxicity, Hepatotoxicity, Muti-organ system, Cardio-Oncology, Cardiac, Liver

Carl Sheridan

Dr Carl Sheridan

Senior Lecturer

Dept Eye and Vision Science
University of Liverpool
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom
0151 794 9031

Ophthalmology, primary cell culture, Spheroids, differentiation, wound repair, organ culture

Ruoxiao Xie

Dr Ruoxiao Xie


University of Liverpool
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

microfluidics, bioprinting, vascularisation

University of Manchester

Sara Gago

Dr Sara Gago

University of Manchester
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Fungal Biology, Infectious Diseases

University of Nottingham

Nicholas Hannan

Dr Nicholas Hannan

Associate Professor of Translational Stem Cell Biology

School of Medicine
University of Nottingham
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Stem Cells, hIPSCs, Lung epithelium, Disease Modelling, Liver, Intestinal stem cells

Bob Robinson

Dr Bob Robinson

University of Nottingham
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

endothelial, blood-brain barrier, ovary

Kevin Webb

Dr Kevin Webb

Associate Professor in Applied Optics

Optics & Photonics Research Group
University of Nottingham
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom
07889 851021

Epithelia, Imaging, Label-free, Drug delivery, Hydrodynamics, Barrier function

Mischa Zelzer

Dr Mischa Zelzer

University of Nottingham
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

biointerfaces, surface modification and analysis, bio-responsive materials, self-assembly, hydrogels, peptide materials

University of Oxford

Ruth Baker

Prof Ruth Baker

Professor of Applied Mathematics

Mathematical Institute
University of Oxford
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

mathematical modelling, developmental biology, regenerative medicine

Alastair Buchan

Prof Alastair Buchan

Professor of Stroke Medicine

Radcliffe Dept. of Medicine
University of Oxford
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Stroke, Brain, Organ on Chip, CNS

Andrew Carr

Prof Andrew Carr

Nuffield Professor of Orthopaedics

Nuffield Department of Orthopaedics, Rheumatology & Musculoskeletal Science
University of Oxford
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Adam Cribbs

Dr Adam Cribbs

Group leader in systems biology

University of Oxford
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Computational biology, Systems biology, Epigenetics

Gillian Farnie

Dr Gillian Farnie

University Research Lecturer

University of Oxford
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Breast Cancer, Extracellular matix, ex-plant culture, 3D in vitro models

Philippa Hulley

Dr Philippa Hulley

University of Oxford
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

3D osteocyte network, osteogenic models, heterotopic ossification, 3D tendon networks, gap junction communication, matrix mechanobiology

Malavika Nair

Dr Malavika Nair

Associate Professor of Biomaterial

Institute of Biomedical Engineering
University of Oxford
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Electroactive biomaterials, Collagen, MicroCT

Sarah Snelling

Dr Sarah Snelling

University of Oxford
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Biomaterials, Tendon, Signalling, Fibrosis, Inflammation

Richard Wade-Martins

Professor Richard Wade-Martins

Professor of Molecular Neuroscience

Department of Physiology, Anatomy and Genetics
University of Oxford
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Neuroscience, Induced pluripotent stem cells, Parkinson's disease, Neurons, Glia

Angus Wann

Dr Angus Wann

Kennedy Trust / Arthritis Research UK Principal Investigator Fellow

University of Oxford
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom
01865 612670

Primary Cilia, signalling, cartilage, matrix

Sarah Waters

Prof Sarah Waters

Professor of Applied Mathematics

Mathematical Institute
University of Oxford
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom
01865 280141

Mathematical modelling, Tissue and cell biomechanics, Physiological fluid mechanics, Mechanobiology

University of Plymouth

Shakil Awan

Dr Shakil Awan

Lecturer (Assistant Professor)

School of Computing, Electronics and Mathematics
University of Plymouth
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom
07803 709407

Graphene & 2D Materials, Biosensors & Protein Biomarkers, Alzheimer's Disorder & Other Dementias, Cancer & Cardiovascular Diseases, Quantum Electronics & Electromagnetism, Precision Metrology & Microfluidics

Natasha Hill

Dr Natasha Hill

School of Biomedical Sciences
University of Plymouth
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

University of Portsmouth

Aikaterini (Katerina) Lalatsa

Dr Aikaterini (Katerina) Lalatsa

Reader in Nanomedicines

School of Pharmacy and Biomedical Sciences
University of Portsmouth
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Nanomedicines, BBB organ on chip models, Nasal epithelium organ on chip models

University of Roehampton

Yolanda Calle

Dr Yolanda Calle

Senior Lecturer

Life Sciences
University of Roehampton
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom
+44 20 8392 5030

Tumour microenvironment, inflammation, cytoskeleton, adhesion, high throughput screening, drug discovery

University of Southampton

Dan Bader

Prof Dan Bader

Professor of Bioengineering and Tissue Health

University of Southampton
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom
023 8120 4106

Sensing technologies, Medical Device design, Biomarkers for early detection of skin damage, Soft tissue biomechanics, Pressure ulcers, Multi-scale models

Hywel Morgan

Prof Hywel Morgan

University of Southampton
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Microfluidics, Lab on Chip, Organ on Chip, Sensors

Bram Sengers

Dr Bram Sengers

Associate Professor

University of Southampton
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

computational modelling, placenta, drug transport

Emily Swindle

Dr Emily Swindle

Associate Professor in Pharmacology

Clinical and Experimental Sciences, Faculty of Medicine
University of Southampton
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Lung-on-a-chip, epithelial barrier, respiratory disease modelling, in vitro models of the airway mucosa, cellular cross talk, asthma

Jonathan West

Dr Jonathan West


Faculty of Medicine
University of Southampton
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom
07870 800327

microfluidics, neuroscience, toxicity, pathology propagation

Sandrine Willaime-Morawek

Dr Sandrine Willaime-Morawek

Associate Professor in Stem Cells and Neurobiology

Medicine/Neurosciences and stem cells
University of Southampton
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom
+44 (0)23 8120 6107

neural stem cells, disease modelling, 3D cultures, neurodegenerative diseases

Xunli Zhang

Prof Xunli Zhang

Professor of Bioengineering and Microsystems; Director of Chemical Engineering

School of Engineering
University of Southampton
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom
023 8059 5099

Therapeutic microfluidics, Continuous-flow reactors, Drug delivery systems, Nanomaterials

University of Strathclyde

Mairi Sandison

Dr Mairi Sandison

Biomedical Engineering
University of Strathclyde
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

vascular cell biology, phenotypic changes, heterogeneity, biomaterials, microfluidics, neuronal models

Kimia Witte

Dr Kimia Witte

Chancellor's Fellow & Lecturer

Biomedical Engineering
University of Strathclyde
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Blood-brain-barrier, Microfluidics, Acoustofluidics, Organoid, Biomaterial, Lab-on-a-chip

Michele Zagnoni

Dr Michele Zagnoni

Electronic and Electrical Engineering
University of Strathclyde
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Microfluidics, Cancer models, Dementia models, In vitro assays

University of Strathclyde, Department of Pure and Applied Chemistry

Ying Fu

Dr Ying Fu

Lecturer (Assistant Professor)

University of Strathclyde, Department of Pure and Applied Chemistry
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Biosensor, Bioelecrronics, Electrochemisty, Microfluidics

University of Surrey

Mark Chambers

Prof Mark Chambers

Professor of Microbiology and Disease Intervention

Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences
University of Surrey
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom
01483 689182

Microbiology, Host-pathogen, Infection, Lung, Gut, Animal replacement

Rebecca Lewis

Dr Rebecca Lewis

Lecturer in Physiology

School of Veterinary Medicine, Faculty of Health and Medical Science
University of Surrey
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Cartilage, Chondrocyte, Stem cells, Physiology, Membrane proteins

David Sampson

Prof David Sampson

School of Biosciences and Medicine and Advanced Technology Institute
University of Surrey
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

optical coherence tomography, mechanobiology/elastography, angiography, microscope-in-a-needle

University of Surrey

Eirini Velliou

Dr Eirini Velliou

Senior Lecturer (associate professor)

Chemical and Process Engineering
University of Surrey
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Tissue Engineering, Biomaterials, Cancer Research, Bioreactors, Antimicrobial Resistance

University of Warwick

Jan Brosens

Professor Jan Brosens

Professor of Obstetrics & Gynaecology

University of Warwick
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

reproduction, endometrium, pregnancy, decidualization, embryo implatation, pregnancy loss

University of Warwick

Jerome Charmet

Dr Jerome Charmet

Assistant Professor

Warwick Manufacturing Group
University of Warwick
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Microfluidics, Biosensors, Manufacturing

Robert Dallmann

Dr Robert Dallmann

Warwick Medical School
University of Warwick
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Circadian, Cancer, BBB, Mammalian cell culture

Matthew Gibson

Prof Matthew Gibson

Department of Chemistry and Warwick Medical School
University of Warwick
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Cell Storage, Cryopreservation, Biomaterials, Bioactive Surfaces, Sensin

Adam Noel

Dr Adam Noel

Assistant Professor

School of Engineering
University of Warwick
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Molecular communication, Reaction-diffusion, Signal propagation, Cellular signal processing

Marco Polin

Dr Marco Polin

Associate Professor

University of Warwick
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

cilia, motility, Chlamydomonas, microfluidics, bacteria, infection

University of Westminster

Miriam Dwek

Dr Miriam Dwek

Reader in Biochemistry

Department of Biomedical Sciences
University of Westminster
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom
020 7911 5000

metastasis, invasion, glycobiology, membrane

University of York

Samadhan Patil

Dr Samadhan Patil


Department of Electronic Engineering
University of York
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Bio Sensors, Lab on a chip, MEMS, Metabolomics on Chip, Anti Microbial Resistance


Dianne Cooper

Dr Dianne Cooper

Senior Lecturer

flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom

Inflammation, Immune cell, Trafficking

Zoological Society of London

Trenton Garner

Professor Trenton Garner


Institute of Zoology
Zoological Society of London
flag of United KingdomUnited Kingdom
020 7449 6687

wildlife disease, experimental ecology, amphibians